NTU School of Computer Science & Engineering

IA Info Session Talk

by admin / February 01, 2012

Dear SCEians,

Worrying about the important points to take note of for your Industrial Attachment? Interested to hear what the seniors have to say about their experiences of going through their Industrial Attachment?

CEC will be organizing an IA Sharing Session specially for SCE students to gain some learning points from the experiences of the Year 3&4s who have already completed their IA.

Details of the IA Sharing Session are as follows.

Date: 2nd February (Thursday)

Time: Registration starts from 530pm

Venue: LT 6 (North Spine)

Guest Speaker: Assoc Prof. Deepu Rajan, IA coordinator, SCE

There would be speakers from Merrill Lynch, Barcap, Accenture, Paypal and more. Speakers will be speaking and sharing their IA experiences from different aspects of the industry. There will also be a short Q&A segment to round up the session, and dinner will be provided as well.

Registration is now open till 1st February (Wednesday).

Please RSVP at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGJGZkhpbnJHMHpKRDk0UF9UemtGb3c6MQ

Best Regards,
12th Management Committee,
School of Computer Engineering Club


NTU School of Computer Science and Engineering Club

NTU SCSE Club is an academic club in Nanyang Technological University. It serves the the SCSE students and allow them to have a safe space to experienceshare, and grow.




Email: scse-it@e.ntu.edu.sg

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